Equality Policy

Equality Policy

The aim of this policy is to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect and that Ratoath Harps Association Football Club is equally accessible to all. The club is responsible for setting standards and values to apply throughout the club at every level. Football belongs to and should be enjoyed by, anyone who wants to participate in it. Our commitment is to encourage equal opportunities, and confront and eliminate discrimination by reason of:

  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Marital status
  • ‘Race’, nationality
  • Ethnic origin
  • Colour, religion or belief
  • Ability or disability

This policy is fully supported by the club officers who are responsible for the implementation of this policy. The club, in all its activities, will not discriminate, or in any way treat anyone less favourably, on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, ‘race’, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or belief, ability or disability.

This means that the club will ensure that it treats people fairly and with respect and that it will provide access and opportunity where possible for all members of the community to take part in and enjoy, its activities.

The club will not tolerate harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of an individual, which for the purposes of this policy and the actions and sanctions applicable is regarded as discrimination. This includes sexual or racial harassment or other discriminatory behaviour, whether physical or verbal.

The club will work to ensure that such behaviour is met with appropriate action in whatever context it occurs. The club is committed to taking decisive action where inequalities exist, and to the development of a programme of ongoing training and awareness-raising events and activities in order to promote the eradication of discrimination and promote equality in football. The club is committed to a policy of equal treatment of all members and requires all members to abide by and adhere to the policies and the requirements of the relevant legislation:

  • Equal Status Acts, 2000-2008
  • Employment Equality Acts, 1998-2004
  • Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act, 1989
  • Any amendments to these acts and any new legislation

The club commits itself to the immediate investigation of any claims, when it is brought to its attention, of discrimination on the above grounds and where such is found to be the case, a requirement that the practice stop and sanctions imposed as appropriate. (Further information on the FAI Anti-Discrimination Rule can be found in the FAI rule book).